Cycle Syncing, Mapping and Hormonal Health – My Experience

Ever since my first period, they have been intense to say the least.

They leave me completely wiped from blood loss and have had me in so much pain physically that I am vomiting because of it.

Graciously, I have been able to slowly reduce and improve my symptoms and health over the last few years and i want to share with you what I have learned.

Getting Off The ‘Pill’

I was first prescribed birth control shortly after my period started to try and manage my symptoms at around 14. I have been on more brands than I can count at this point. None were able to manage my symptoms or prevent break through bleeding. I feel like it only amplified a lot of my mental health symptoms at that time.

I stopped taking the pill around the end of 2018 and began using the Fertility Awareness Method, a method where you monitor your Basal body temperature each morning, as well as your cervical fluid and other symptoms.

This method can be used for both preventative measures or to get pregnant and it is entirely natural. Our bodies actually are designed to prevent pregnancy naturally unless we are in are fertile window, becoming aware of what that feels like in your body gives you the option to know when you are fertile and either avoid sex at that time or use another contraceptive method.

I digress, If you are looking for more information on that method, I really recommend the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

I feel like my body had to go through a detox period after being on the pill for that long. I can finally say I feel a light at the end of the tunnel.

I Started Cycle Mapping…

and actively tracking my cycle to see what I could find out.

My cycles are quite short and for a while they were almost every 3 weeks which was exhausting. After I started cycle mapping I had a clearer understanding of what my symptoms meant.

Every single period, specifically as I enter the Luteal Phase which occurs right before menstruation I would be overcome with this aggressive weight of despair really.

The darkest depression I have experienced. It was filled with anger, sadness, so much anxiety and even suicidal ideation.

Every single cycle I was going through these periods of basically wanting to die and destroy my life – up and quit my job or do something impulsive.

I ended up getting instagram around this time I was researching and came across the page Her Mood Mentor. (TOTALLY RECOMMEND)

I had never heard of the term PMDD – Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It hit so many boxes. For two weeks every month the lights just would go out and I would lose all interest and motivation in literally everything.

Since then, I have learned so much more – the most exciting being that I don’t have to feel this way forever.

I have started implementing cycle syncing into my life and I think it may have saved my life, at least my future that is.

I am writing during my menstrual phase to give you some perspective, I went out for lunch with co workers yesterday after work. Things I have only dreamed of being able to manage during my cycle.

What is Cycle Syncing?

Cycle syncing is the way of living around your hormonal cycles. It is thought that men have a 24 hour hormonal clock that is relatively consistent each day, women on the other hand fluctuate through a 21- 45 day cycle and there are important aspects to each part of the cycle.

The four phases:

Menstruation phase aka internal winter – energy is lower, rest should be the priority during this phase. Light movement like light yoga or short walks. A great time for journaling and inward reflection. Lean into those movie nights or reading in bed, add in some baths with epsom salts for some added magnesium too!

Follicular phase aka internal spring – Your energy will start to increase in this stage, it occurs right after menstruation. You will be better able to problem solve in this stage and more intense workouts like HIIT or strength training are ideal. This is a great time to get out and do some activities, socialize, connect with others.

Ovulatory phase aka internal summer -This is when you are feeling the most confident and outgoing, the best time to hang out with friends, be creative, pursue high impact workouts and enjoy what you enjoy! Hiking, swimming, dancing. A great time for cruciferous vegetables and magnesium rich foods!

Luteal phase aka internal fall – this is when you will begin to feel more introverted and turn inwards as your body prepares for menstruation again. You may feel more motivated to get things done, or finish up tasks and get them off your to do list. You will likely still have a bit more energy in the first half so more intense workouts are optimal and then winding down to light walks and yoga is ideal as you round out the Luteal phase into menstruation again.

There is a ton of information on this online and even a bunch of graphic from Pinterest that can make it easier to remember the phases. I personally have found it helpful to write sticky notes on the fridge for meal ideas for each phase. These are focusing on which nutrients are suggested during each phase.

The wild thing is you can actually reduce and some have completely rid themselves of PMS and PMDD symptoms by cycle syncing!

What’s Helped The Most So Far…

More Protein and Quality of the Protein – I have started focusing on adding protein into as many meals as I can throughout the day. The biggest influence for me seems to be breakfast.

It has made a drastic improvement in my anxiety. Currently I have been starting with a protein bar right when I wake up – for me this has worked the best because of some correlating stomach issues that leave me nauseous quite often.

I start with a protein bar with 20 g of protein. I often try and drink a meal replacement drink as well, which adds another 16g of protein- there is finally a brand that is organic, non gmo, dairy free and is made specifically for those that struggle with stomach issues. Check them out – SPERRI, they’re Canadian and made right here in Halifax!

For me those act as stepping stones into eating real food. I find I am way less nauseous and am actually hungry after I have the meal replacement drink and protein bar.

Another big contributor to poor hormonal health and something that can amplify PMS/PMDD symptoms is not eating enough calories. I was eating maybe 600- 800 calories a day on a good day because of my stomach.

Since I have stated focusing on protein first thing, and in a way that I can eat, I have easily doubled my calorie intake and feel happier, more energized and actually able to communicate easier.

Another thing I realized was that since I was never eating enough I was never getting enough nutrients, which was leading to a plethora of symptoms on there own.

I invested in a multi vitamin that I don’t hate eating and it has been game changing! I am taking the prenatal version because they have more nutrients in them, specifically folate and zinc.

It’s easy to take every day and they are put right where my protein bars are so its easy to habit stack those and get it done.

I started addressing my hydration and lack there of haha. I looked into getting a good electrolyte powder and I have started adding in a cup every day.

I almost forgot the biggest impacts on some of my negative symptoms – caffeine! When I tell you the breast pain I felt from drinking coffee and I had no idea it was related. I cut out coffee almost entirely and have swapped to herbal teas and matcha.

The breast pain is gone – entirely. There is no weeks of agonizing pain right before my period anymore. I do still have a coffee every now and again, as long as I keep it to one or too a cycle and avoid it during menstruation I am okay which is amazing.

Finally, movement- daily movement, whether its super light 10 minutes of yoga, a walk around the block or something more intense like a hike or swim at the gym. Making sure I move around has been huge in noticing improvements.

It’s at the the point now where my partner is starting to notice a difference in my mood, its no longer as cyclical with these huge dips in my mood or my motivation.

I am better able to regulate my emotions and my needs and communicate them to others. I am better able to advocate for what I need and say no to things I won’t be able to handle.

It’s been years of slow progress that I never thought I would see.

I still have shitty days and days where I am overly emotionally, however there is a lot less shame around it and with that, a lot less stress. I feel lighter. I feel safer.

This is your sign to look into cycle syncing if you related to anything in this, it is so wildly empowering to understand more about your body and begin to live within its cycles.

I appreciate your presence here, i am sending so much love into the world,

Erika Jane

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